Extended Abstracts

We are no long accepting Extended Abstracts.  


The templates below were updated on March 18, 2024.

All WCCM 2024 participants whose abstract has been accepted for presentation are invited to submit the full paper (extended abstract) by June 7, 2024.

Conference Proceedings (full papers only) will be published on Scipedia with a DOI number after the congress and will be submitted for indexation to SCOPUS database. Submission of the full paper is not mandatory.


The full paper should be written following the format of macros for submission (see link below). The file has to be translated into Portable Document Format (PDF) before submission via the Congress site. The organizers do not commit themselves to include in the Proceedings any full paper received later than the above-mentioned deadline.


The corresponding author should be the speaker, and is expected to register and pay the registration fee during the early registration period (before March 31, 2024) for the full paper to be included in the proceedings of the Conference.



To submit a full paper (extended abstract), download a Word template found here  which contains instructions on formatting, etc. A LaTex template may be downloaded here. Contact us at admin@conferences.usacm.org if you cannot access the LaTex template.


Once the abstract is ready, convert it to a pdf and submit it through the submissions system, submissions.wccm2024.org. To do this, click on “Extended Abstracts” in the left menu  and there will be a place to upload your abstract.


Any questions regarding the formatting of the abstract should be sent to Maria del Mar Santiago at msantiago@cimne.upc.edu